About Alumni Cell

Vision :
To maintain a lifelong relationship with alumni through opportunities and benefits that promotes interaction and engagement with wits and facilitates their contribution to the advancement and success of the institute.
Mission :
- To strengthen the relationship between institute and alumni
- To inspire alumni to contribute to the development of the institute and the promotion of its good name and reputation, locally and internationally
- To strengthen ties between the institute and alumni, and encourage them to participate in the various cultural, social and scientific activities.
- To celebrate achievements of alumni motivating the current students.
Alumni Association
Sr. No. | Name of Member | Designation | Authorities |
01 | Adv. Rajendra Dange | President | Secretary, SDSS, Islampur |
02 | Prof. R. A. Kanai | Vice-president | Executive director, ADCET, Ashta |
03 | Dr. L.Y. Waghmode | Member | Director, ADCET, Ashta |
04 | Dr. S. S. Mohite | Member | Registrar, ADCET, Ashta |
05 | Mr. D. V. Adsul | Member | Administrative Officer, ADCET, Ashta |
06 | Mr. Sandip Magdum | Member | Dean TPO, ADCET, ADCET, Ashta |
07 | Dr. S. Gopinath | Member | Dean Academics, ADCET, Ashta |
08 | Mr. Vallabh Joshi | Member | Alumni (Mech)(Siemens, Pune) |
09 | Ms. Anuprit D. Jadhav | Member | Alumni (CSE) )(Einfochips, Bengaluru) |
10 | Mr. Vishal Patil | Member | Alumni (Civil) )(PWD, Islampur) |
11 | Mr. Amir Khan | Member | Alumni (EE) ( KPIT Technologies) |
12 | Mr. Ganesh B. Malgunde | Member | Alumni (Aero) (Collins Aerospace, Bengaluru) |
13 | Mr. Prathamesh Dhapate | Member | Alumni (Food)(CEO of Display Promotion) |
14 | Mr. Y. P. Ballal | Member | Alumni Coordinator (Mech) |
15 | Mrs. A. M. Mulla | Member | Alumni Coordinator (CSE) |
16 | Mr. G. R. Kavathekar | Member | Alumni Coordinator (EE) |
17 | Mr. A. G. Mujawar | Member | Alumni Coordinator (Civil) |
18 | Mr. Y. B. Kumbhar | Member | Alumni Coordinator (Aero) |
19 | Mrs. N. B. Chougule | Member | Alumni Coordinator (Food) |
20 | Mrs. Sonali Malame | Member | Alumni Coordinator (AIDS) |
21 | Mrs. P. S. Pathak | Member | Alumni Coordinator (IOT-CSBT) |
22 | Dr. R. R. Gaji | Secretary | Coordinator, Alumni Cell |
Contact No : 8208536470 / 9960819047
Email id : alumni@adcet.in
Networking :
- Connected with alumni through E-mail, SMS and social networking
- News letter for Alumni
- Celebrating Alumni achievements in institute campus.
- Organizing curricullar, co-curricullor and extra curricular activities.
- Oragnizing alumni meets.