About Placement Cell

Prof. Sandip Magdum
Dean-Training & Placement.
Campus Recruitment Team
Training and Placement Cell at Annasaheb Dange College of Engineering and Technology, Ashta is focused towards overall development of students. The motto of this cell is not only to place students in reputed companies but we believe in nurturing souls. We are working together to ensure that students here are getting right knowledge to face the future corporate challenges without getting frustrated or demoralized in any case
Staff & Student Coordinators
Sr.No | Name | Department | Designation | Mobile Number | |
1 | Mr. Sandip S. Magdum | TPO Cell | Dean TPO | 8055728941 | dean_tpo@adcet.in |
2 | Mr. Y. S. Lubal | CSE | Member Secretary | 7588627555 | ysl_it@adcet.in |
3 | Mr. S. T. Ghutukade | Mechanical | Member | 9096250443 | stg_mech@adcet.in |
4 | Mr. G. M. Chendke | Mechanical | Member | 7972349017 | gmc_mech@adcet.in |
5 | Mr. P. S. Mali | Electrical | Member | 9028797448 | psm_ele@adcet.in |
6 | Mr. A. B. Jadhav | Electrical | Member | 9579366328 | abj_ele@adcet.in |
7 | Mr. A. G. Mujawar | Civil | Member | 7588823230 | agm_civil@adcet.in |
8 | Mr. L. Oblisamy | Aeronautical | Member | 9791262259 | lo_aero@adcet.in |
9 | Mr. S. S. Potdar | Food Technology | Member | 9776956828 | ssp1_ft@adcet.in |
10 | Mrs. P. S. Pathak | CSE (Iot And Cyber Security, Blockchain) | Member | 9158839366 | psp_iot@adcet.in |
11 | Ms. T. S. Danwadkar | CSE (AIDS) | Member | 7020260957 | tejswini_aids@adcet.in |
12 | Mr. S. B. Patole | Assistant TPO | Member | 8551003999 | hrd.adcet@gmail.com |
Facilities at T&P for Campus and Joint campus placement activities
- Dedicated Cabins / room for Campus Interview and Group Discussion
- Best Facilities for Pool / Joint Campus Interview Process
- 800 Seating Capacity Auditorium Equipped with Projector,Screen and Sound System
- Best Facilities for online test with 500 PC's at single place with complete uninterrupted power supply
- Networking Details (LAN,WAN,Email,Internet Dial Up,Dedicated Leased Lines 500 Mbps Bandwidth)100/1000 Gigabit Campus wide LAN, Optical Fiber back bone to interconnect PC and Servers
- Online Test with PC is on single floor. Networking Details
- 100/1000 Gigabit Campus Wide LAN, Optical fiber back bone to interconnect PC and Servers.
- 500 MBPS dedicated leased line for internet connectivity.
- Dell(TM) Power Edge(TM) R-700 Series Rack Mount Server - 3.5- Inch Chassis NM187 -Dell(TM) Power Edge(TM) R710 Rack Mount Server Y373J -1x6.
- IBMX-226 processor SERVER with RAID Disks
Campus process infrastructure
- Sufficient class rooms for written test
- Separate cabins for interviews and GD
- Auditorium with capacity of 800 students is equipped with latest PA System & Presentation facilities .