CSE(IOT and Cyber Security Including Block Chain Technology) Student’s Association

Internet of Things Students Association (IOTSA)

Internet of Things StudentsAssociation(IOTSA) is the organization initiated by students of Department of CSE(IoT & CSBT), ADCET Ashta. It was established in 2022-23. It has been set up with the aim of improving technical knowledge of students and bringing them closer to the practical world of internet of things,cyber security and block chain technology. Also IOTSA motivates students for co-curricular and extra-curricular activities in the field of CSE (IoT & CSBT).

“IOTSA DIGEST” is the mouth piece of IOTSA where students find expression for their techno cultural contributions. IOTSA is growing in quality and quantity as the years are going by bridging a strong bond among the future professionals of the department.

Sr.no. Post Name Student Name
01 President Mr.Suraj patil
2 Vice-President Mr.Atharv Gavane
3 Ledies -Representative Ms.Pranali Zanvar
4 Technical Head Mr.Omkar Savartkar
5 Treasure Head Mr.Prasad Kore
6 Cultural Head Mr.Apurva Jadhav
7 PRO Head Mr.Nilesh Pawar
8 Sports Head Mr.Shreyas Patil