Department of CSE(IOT and Cyber Security Including Block Chain Technology)
DTE Choice Code

Dr. Tahseen A. Mulla
Head of Department
Department of CSE(IOT and Cyber Security Including Block Chain Technology) offers B.Tech. Program in Computer Science & Engg. (Internet of Things and Cyber Security Including Block Chain Technology.). The ADCET Institute launched its undergraduate engineering programme in the academic year 2021–2022 with a 60-seat intake. The aim of this course is to teach student on the operational and functional aspects of IoT, Cyber Security, and Blockchain Technology. Today's society is becoming more and more reliant on cutting-edge technologies like the Internet of Things, Blockchain Technology with Cyber Security, and Artificial Intelligence with Machine Learning.
Internet of Things (IoT) are sensors and actuators connected by networks to computing systems. The condition and behavior of connected machines and objects can be managed or monitored by these systems. IoT opens up enormous possibilities for a variety of business models, including telecom companies, software suppliers, platform and application developers, and providers of IoT applications and services. The curriculum of this programme is structured such that students can study the most of the current cutting-edge technologies and acquire knowledge that are suitable for the profession.
Cyber Security refers to technological solutions that is used to protect the integrity of networks, programmes, and data against attack, damage, or unauthorized access. With the use of Blockchain Technology, data sources may be accessed at any time, and because the data is immutable over time, the security of the data is increased. By offering a trusted sharing service where information is trustworthy and traceable, Blockchain Technology improves the security of Internet of Things devices and the networks that connect them. The curriculum also focuses on some of the fundamental cryptographic building blocks used in Blockchain Technology, as well as the limitations of block chain technology and basic distributed system concepts. Besides that, the Internet of Things is being utilized to build smart infrastructure across a variety of sectors, such as agriculture and smart farming, automotive, defense, healthcare, manufacturing, power, safety & surveillance, smart cities, smart homes, and transportation.